School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children's education. Their role is voluntary. They contribute to the strategic direction of the school and hold the senior leaders to account by monitoring the school's performance.
The governing body has specific responsibilities including:
Governing Body Members
Gary Lambert (Chair) | Health and Safety, Performance Management |
Jeff Vaughan (Vice-Chair) | English - Reading, Writing, SPaG, Phonics,, Discovery (History, Geography and MFL), Innovation (Computing and DT), Behaviour/Attendance, Performance Management |
Brian Barnes | Maths, Science |
Louise Blyth | English - Reading, Creativity (Music and Art), Safeguarding/LAC, School Council |
Sally Edmonds | Staff Governor |
Louise Whitehead | SEN, Intervention, Whole School Assessment |
Hannah Wilkinson | Health, Understanding - RE, SMSC, British Values, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium |
Rob Cook | Headteacher |
If you would like to get in touch with the governors please do so through the school office or Headteacher. Governing body minutes are available to view by appointment by contacting the school office.
Attendance at governor meetings (academic year 2022-2023)
A register of interest is taken at each governing body meeting.
Chair of Governing Body
Governor Category: Co-opted
Appointed by: The governing body
Date joined Governing Body: February 2021
Current term of office: 25/02/2021 - 24/02/2025
Register of interests & other positions held: None
My daughter, Tabitha, joined the school in September 2020, so I have a strong interest in the education that all of the children receive and in the success of the school.
I work as a Project Manager in the Civil Service and, having joined the Governing body in February 2021, hope that the skills I’ve developed professionally will allow me to support the school for many years to come.
In my spare time I have a passion for cooking, enjoy muddy walks with our 2 dogs and hold a season ticket which allows me to occasionally enjoy supporting Nottingham Forest!
Governor Category: Co-opted
Appointed by: Governors
Date joined: June 2022
Current term of office: 16/06/2022 - 15/06/2026
Register of Interests & other positions: None
Retired BT manager educated in Scotland at Perth Academy and St Andrews Uni. Lived in Newark for last 22 years.
Governor Category: Parent
Appointed by: Parents
Date joined: July 2021
Current term of office: 15/07/2021 – 14/07/2025
Register of Interests & other positions: None
Both of my boys attend Winthorpe school – Charlie is in year 5 and Jamie is in year 3. I’m originally from Nottingham, where I was raised by two teachers and we’ve lived in Winthorpe village since 2015. I’ve joined the governing body as a parent-governor as I’m passionate about contributing to the community I live in. Beyond Mum duties I find myself in the very new career as a published author. I also have over a decade of experience in the corporate environment - where I worked in various sales, marketing and project management roles – and am hoping this experience and expertise will be of use to the school.
My passions are people feeling known, authenticity and efficiency and in my free-time you’ll find me dreaming about my next book or project.
Governor Category: Ex-officio
Appointed by: By virtue of office
Date joined: September 2016
Current term of office: 01/09/2016 -
Register of Interests & other positions held: None
Prior to joining Winthorpe I was Deputy Head at Caythorpe Primary School for 5 years and previously taught at Cherry Willingham Primary School, Lincoln.
Out of school I enjoy all team sports, particularly rugby and football, and also enjoy going to watch live music gigs. I’ve recently started trying to get a bit fitter, and like setting myself challenging targets. This year I’ve ran my first ever 10k race and half-marathon, and my next goal is a 100 mile cycle ride! My two lovely children keep me very busy, but if I can find the time I find a DIY project or pottering at the allotment rewarding pastimes.
Governor Category: Staff
Appointed by: Staff
Date joined: September 2018
Current term of office: 26/09/2022 - 25/09/2026
Register of Interests & other positions held: Teacher and SENCo, Parent Governor at Carnarvon Primary School
I have worked at Winthorpe for the last 17 years. During this time I have taught all of the age groups and been SENCo. I would like to work closely with the Governing body to ensure the best provision for our children.
Out of school I enjoy trying to keep fit, cooking and travelling. I am kept busy by my two children and their many sporting activities! I am also a governor and volunteer at their school.
JEFF VAUGHAN Vice-Chair of Governing Body Governor Category: Co-opted
Appointed by: The governing body Date joined: May 2019 Current term of office: 21/05/2019 -20/05/2023 Register of Interests & other positions held: Exam Invigilator at Newark Academy
I live in Balderton and my connection with the school is through my granddaughter, After a very successful 38 year career in the Royal Air Force, during which time I served at many units within the UK and overseas, I now enjoy my time looking after my grandchildren when needed, tending my allotment and playing golf. |
Governor Category: Co-opted
Appointed by: The governing body
Date joined: November 2o22
Current term of office: 30/11/22 - 29/11/27
Register of Interests & other positions held: None
I have been teaching for 20 years and have taught in both Primary and Secondary settings in the local area. I am a qualified SENCO and was a senior leader at the last school I worked in. My current role is as a Specialist Advisory Teacher for the Communication and Interaction Team which is part of Schools and Families Specialist Service for Nottinghamshire County Council.
I am passionate about education and in particular, inclusion for all children and young people and feel that my knowledge, skills and experience will help to support the governing body to ensure the pupils of Winthorpe Primary school have access to the best education they can.
In my spare time, I enjoy baking and cooking for friends and family.
Governor Category: Parent
Appointed by: Parents
Date joined: Nov 22
Current term of office: 30/11/22 - 29/11/27
Register of Interests & other positions held: None