The school run their own Breakfast and After School Club.
Breakfast and After School Club – Terms and Conditions
Our clubs are led and run by school staff and operates as an extension to the school day and, as such, is informed by current and established school policies and practices, in line with the school’s existing Ofsted registration.
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club runs every day before school from 7.30am at a cost of £3 or £2 per session from 8.00am. Breakfast is provided for an extra £1 per child.
All children attending Breakfast Club must be signed in with staff at the start of the morning session.
After School Club
Our After School Club runs daily until 6.00pm (5.00pm on a Friday). It includes a drink and a snack. The cost per day is £6 until 5pm, £7.50 until 6pm. The sessions comprise planned structured and unstructured activities.
All children attending After School Club must be signed out when collected; the time of signing out must also be recorded.
Parents can pre-book sessions on an annual or termly basis.
Ad-hoc and one-off bookings can be made depending upon availability and providing sufficient advance notice is received. Please contact the school office to confirm availability.
We appreciate that parents may occasionally need to book their child into After School Club at short notice, wherever possible we request that bookings are made by 1pm by telephoning the school office. We will then try to accommodate such requests if there is a place available.
For pre-booked sessions invoices will be issued monthly in advance.
For ad-hoc bookings invoices will be issued at the end of the month.
All payments are due 7 days from date of invoice. Late payment may result in your child not being allowed to attend the club in question.
Payment should be made online using the School Money app or website or via your childcare voucher account. Cheques or School Money payment can be taken in school but cash is not accepted.
Cancellation Policy
Refunds for non-attendance will be given at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Late Collection
Parents should collect their child promptly before the end of the session at 6pm. If a parent is delayed they should contact the school office immediately. At the end of the session, if we have not received notification of delay from the parent and are unable to contact them, the next emergency contact on the pupil data collection sheet will be contacted.
An additional amount of £5 per child per 15 minutes will be charged if a child is not collected by 6pm at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Children that are not pupils at Winthorpe Primary School are welcome to attend but will be required to complete a registration and medical form.